IT WAS AWESOME! I walk in and there are all kinds of ballerinas walking around! Little ballerinas with their little pink slippers were walking in a line into a studio with mirrors down the entire wall. Ballerinas that looked our age were changing into their toe shoes and talking about what they need to fix in their dance routine. All of their pictures were on the walls. They were professionals! I had no idea this kind of place was in Carbondale.
It made me think of you and how excited you would be to see all of this. There was even a studio with two guys doing this CRAZY hip hop dance. There were probably about 6 or 7 studios in the building. All of them had ballet bars and mirrors. It was awesome. I found out later that they had tap there too! (Too bad we didn't know about this when you were here!)
I miss you so much and I hope I get to see you, Matt and Hallie VERY soon! I hope this made your day like it did mine!

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